Alhamdulillah a'la kullu hal. This Ramadan seems pretty special and I have a huge feeling something great is about to happen. At times I feel, maybe this may be my last Ramadan ever. To spend time on sleep this precious month seems a waste, every moment is precious and we strive to highly utilize all that we've got to seek His Mercy and to gain nearness to Allah swt. insyaAllah.
Recently someone wrote me and asked a very cute question. It is pretty sensitive a question too. Since that person asked me, and found my answers useful, I really think it will benefit us all and I keep all my sharing as a record here to remind my self first before others.
The question:
Hi Zai, I often get indigestion. I have bad disgestive system, so i often get gassy stomach. If I pray terawih then terkentut (fart issue), how? Do I have to take wudhu' again? And by the time i come back do I follow the imam? -
So I asked her, do you want a solution for the gas issue?? And she said Yes she wants a solution.
So I penned this down.
Before we embark on the search for Truth, we need to learn to recognize our inner being and pray for inner spiritual purification. But before we even think of the spiritual state, we gotta clean up the physical state. The reality of life is that we are full of shit!!!
Ok about the keeping wudhu. Once you break fast, at night before you go to bed, take ducolax. It is a laxative, you can get it at any pharmacy. First thing first, you gotta clear your stomach of the remains of any shit! Seriously, it is meant for purgation. just take 1 or 2 times is sufficient. DO NOT abuse the drug. And maybe you want to do this on a weekend, or a day when you do not have to work the next.
Another tip. Everytime we do our small or big business in toilet, you gotta ber-dehem (you know this one??) It is sunnah you know. After we think we have finished, with passing urine for example, force yourself to cough out like 3 to 4 times n pause with intervals. You will be surprise how much pee will come out after that. This is a big protection for urinal tract problems that occur in old age. So amazing how the sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w. was sent to protect our health!!! :)
Then there are other things like using the 'miswak' to clean the teeth, use tongue scraper to clean the tongue. All this little little things to keep our system clean helps a lot in maintaining our bodily health and in return help us keep our wudhuk.
Another tip. Everytime we do our small or big business in toilet, you gotta ber-dehem (you know this one??) It is sunnah you know. After we think we have finished, with passing urine for example, force yourself to cough out like 3 to 4 times n pause with intervals. You will be surprise how much pee will come out after that. This is a big protection for urinal tract problems that occur in old age. So amazing how the sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w. was sent to protect our health!!! :)
Then there are other things like using the 'miswak' to clean the teeth, use tongue scraper to clean the tongue. All this little little things to keep our system clean helps a lot in maintaining our bodily health and in return help us keep our wudhuk.
And another thing, take light 'iftar'. Break fast with dates and warm water. Do not 'bedal'. Do realize that our body has been deprieved of food and water the past 13 hours almost. Do not whack and give the bodily system an intensive shock. It is better to eat after terawih to reward the physical body.
Learn about your stomach to what makes it gassy or feel bloated. For me ice water is a tragedy.. or black tea.. or 'mee kuning' (yellow mee) makes my stomach gastric-ish... so learn about your stomach...
I was told by a wise men, "Treat your body right and it will treat you right"
Hope this helps and grant us ease with peace to perform our duties as we strive to journey inwardly and outwardly in worshipful obedience.
Love, Peace & Happiness to one and all.
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