Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Bit-TawfeeQ wa bil-Hidayah

Today my Arabic teacher Tawfeeq, sat with me after class and marked my exams paper, and he went through the questions and aswers with me one by one. He corrected my mistakes and praised me for the correct answers. I was thrilled anticipating my final result. He then just passed me the paper to bring home to review my correction. However he did not calculate my total score. I wanted to know if I was top in class, so I told him to please calculate and let me know the scores. He said he will do it the next day. A little disappointed, I left school soon after.

In the cab on the way home, I met another passenger who questioned why I am learning Arabic learning. I answered, we from Asia read the Quran but we do not understand. He replied, Allah will teach you through the heart. I SMILED!!! J

Soon after, I recalled the exam scores incident again. It is not enough that someone senior to us, or in authority to correct us with what we did wrong. We also wish to be acknowledged and praised for our seemingly fair deed. On top of that, we want to know the final result, to ensure that we top the whole level. We want to be certain that we understood what we did, and that we did it right, and if we did not get it right, we want to know what went wrong. Most times we even argue to fend our wrong deeds or act!!!

But this is in reality for our present life only. What about for our Akhirat. Now I understand about the Balance. On the Day of Judgement, our good deeds will be placed on the right, the bad deeds, on the left. We will be showed the ‘life video’ of every single thing we did. Nothing escapes HIS eyes. We will be questioned for all those that we are responsible for, our parents, our spouses, our children, our nearest of kins, and even our neighbours. We will on that day be our own worst enemy if we have not been a true sincere believing servant. The lips would be sealed, our skin, eyes and ears will bear witness for our past actions and deeds. The final result is not when our record book will be handed over on the right or our left hands. To top it up, for the inhabitants of Paradise, there will be a light emitting within and/ in front of them. For some, the light will be mild, for some others the light will be as big as the mountains. That time they will be praying, in fear,

Rabbana atmim lana noorana waghfirlana innaka a3la kullia shai3in Qadeer.

O our Lord, please complete the light upon us, forgive us, for with You is all Power.

And with all this, how should we be living our day to day life, moment to moment, second by second. May Allah forgive me and bless all of you. Ameen.

Ya Rabbee, grant us the power and ability to give thanks to you for the favours you have granted upon us and our parents. Place us among the righteous servants and grant us to do righteous deeds that pleases you. Ameen.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

My mom dun know what I want!!!

Last evening, I posted an FB status:

The truth is, it is A LOT easier to please other peoples’ mother, but amazingly tough to please our very own. As hard as we try, I wish it was a lot easier. :'(( However, as the saying goes, "Never give up!!!" We'll keep trying!!

Me, for the entire reason love mom the most in the world as much as my ego hate to accept the fact. And I am certain mom loves me indeed. At least based on the Qur’anic verse, she “bore me in weakness upon weakness” I should cut mom some slack.

I feel like she does not care and does not love me and worst still, she does not know what I want. The truth is, do I love, care and know what she wants?

The truth is I have expectations of my old frail mother who is at a stage of passing her life away, who had sacrificed her life away to raise me and my 5 other siblings, not forgetting her 15 grandchildren and 3 great grand-kids!!!

I am indeed to be blamed for not being polite and be on adab to my mom. I am the rude and disrespectful one. I am too proud for what I am able to achieve at present, forgetting who bore me in weakness upon weakness. Who was the one who had to deliver me via C-section, had to nurse me in her state after surgery cause I refused to drink the powdered milk from the nursery? Who was the one who raised me when dad chose to live? Who was there to send me to school, for madrasah, for swimming classes, for every goodness I have enjoyed and enjoined from before till this present day with comfort, in cleanliness, with love and with joy. Never once did I have no shelter over my head, nor once had I to sleep in hunger. Never once I felt like an average kid but only had more and more and more through my mom. How could I ever get angry or be sad upon her for something she said or did. She is only human, and she is my mom for God sake, through which Raheem (womb) God has chose to place me.

For those of us who are sick and tired of our parents, especially mom (and dad included), may Allah swt grant us Light and Love and make it easy for us to be good, righteous and God-fearing children who can love our parents unconditionally as they had love us unconditionally. Ameen.

Let us attempt to mend the bond and live life to the fullest with them while they are still around. And if they are not around physically, I believe their souls are still around watching us over. Make prayers for me and my mom and for all the amazing moms of the world, InsyaAllah.

zai miztiQ

Poem: Dun fear & dun be sad

POEM: Dun fear & dun be sad.
It is so easy said but hard to swallow,
At times like that I feel so under and below,

If only my head and heart was not as shallow,

Be on adab n obedience I would try to follow.

I tried my best and am still trying to avoid the gallow,
D more I try the deeper I fall into sorrow,

If it is this pain I have to sustain to see a better Tomorrow,

I shall remain steadfast, submit n surrender and remember this life is just a borrow.

-- zai MiztiQ --

Ya Rabbee, I surrender myself to you. (Allahumma aslamtu nafsee ilaiKa.) Ameen.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

How to keep our wudhu'


Alhamdulillah a'la kullu hal. This Ramadan seems pretty special and I have a huge feeling something great is about to happen. At times I feel, maybe this may be my last Ramadan ever. To spend time on sleep this precious month seems a waste, every moment is precious and we strive to highly utilize all that we've got to seek His Mercy and to gain nearness to Allah swt. insyaAllah.

Recently someone wrote me and asked a very cute question. It is pretty sensitive a question too. Since that person asked me, and found my answers useful, I really think it will benefit us all and I keep all my sharing as a record here to remind my self first before others.

The question:

Hi Zai, I often get indigestion. I have bad disgestive system, so i often get gassy stomach. If I pray terawih then terkentut (fart issue), how? Do I have to take wudhu' again? And by the time i come back do I follow the imam? -

So I asked her, do you want a solution for the gas issue?? And she said Yes she wants a solution.

So I penned this down.

Before we embark on the search for Truth, we need to learn to recognize our inner being and pray for inner spiritual purification. But before we even think of the spiritual state, we gotta clean up the physical state. The reality of life is that we are full of shit!!!

Ok about the keeping wudhu. Once you break fast, at night before you go to bed, take ducolax. It is a laxative, you can get it at any pharmacy. First thing first, you gotta clear your stomach of the remains of any shit! Seriously, it is meant for purgation. just take 1 or 2 times is sufficient. DO NOT abuse the drug. And maybe you want to do this on a weekend, or a day when you do not have to work the next.

Another tip. Everytime we do our small or big business in toilet, you gotta ber-dehem (you know this one??) It is sunnah you know. After we think we have finished, with passing urine for example, force yourself to cough out like 3 to 4 times n pause with intervals. You will be surprise how much pee will come out after that. This is a big protection for urinal tract problems that occur in old age. So amazing how the sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w. was sent to protect our health!!! :)

Then there are other things like using the 'miswak' to clean the teeth, use tongue scraper to clean the tongue. All this little little things to keep our system clean helps a lot in maintaining our bodily health and in return help us keep our wudhuk.
And another thing, take light 'iftar'. Break fast with dates and warm water. Do not 'bedal'. Do realize that our body has been deprieved of food and water the past 13 hours almost. Do not whack and give the bodily system an intensive shock. It is better to eat after terawih to reward the physical body.
Learn about your stomach to what makes it gassy or feel bloated. For me ice water is a tragedy.. or black tea.. or 'mee kuning' (yellow mee) makes my stomach gastric-ish... so learn about your stomach...

I was told by a wise men, "Treat your body right and it will treat you right"
Hope this helps and grant us ease with peace to perform our duties as we strive to journey inwardly and outwardly in worshipful obedience.

Love, Peace & Happiness to one and all.


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Maldives, a dream come true.
Beauty beyond words.

Bejeweled sea, Sapphire blue skies, Superb moments after moments.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

“Ya Rabb, please engage me in a trading activity that pleases You.”

I still recall, it was in Rabiul'awal, exactly 2 years ago when 20 bags of our colorful hairband/ serkop arrived my home. I was anxious and excited how to go about selling my favourite hijab discovery to my online sisters. At that time, i had less than 200 friends on my contact list, and I never sold anything online before.
In total there was only 8 colors. I can still clearly remember how i used to place the stocks on a small rack, in a little corner of my room. And we started of by taking photos, modelled in the new arrivals and uploaded the photos. At first there was no response, and then a few hours later, I got back online to realize there were so many Like! and people were commenting on the photos to request for most of d colors we just posted. I was thrilled an excited. Of course, it was my first time. But I did do some reseach on postage cost, if normal mail is safe or should I encourage registered mail and sourced for envelopes to use for sending out the items. And the bigggest blessing, was IB (internet banking).. Honestly, at first, I did not even know how to use it and was rather skeptical about IB. But now it is an element that is so crucial for the sellers' and the shoppers too.
Another thing about getting started, I was so worried if i could sell all the 20 bags of hairbands.. and if there was demand, and IF I really wanted to put time in this, and IF this and that and so many IFs… I still remember, as a motivation factor to pursue the business, I kept reminding myself, "If I do not sell the items, I can always use it for my own coz I needed the hijab wear OR I can always gift it. However one of the biggest IF I had was, If this is what pleases Allah swt.. because I really did not want to embark in something that doesn’t please my Lord…
Then I found a beautiful doa, a prayer that says, “Ya Rabb, please engage me in a trading activity that pleases You.” I did my istikharah for a couple of days.
And since then, things have been falling through so nicely and smoothly. Of course there were headaches along the way, a lot of decision-making to be made and a lot of calculated risk-taking that was made. Every 3 -6 months we had to restock 50-100kg of cargo into Singapore. Lots of work and cleaning up and packaging to be done. But the joy and satisfaction of serving and providing a one stop-hijab destination to the sisters, and brothers alike could simple offset the head and heart and muscle aches encountered.
One of the biggest joys is to coordinate hijab fashion for some of the sisters. They simply had to send us the dress that they were gonna wear, and we will put together the hijab pieces and colors for them. The other big joy is to be counselors-cum-motivators to sisters who have intention to transit to wearing the hijab. And there are many moments where our customers becomes friends and eventually family.
Not forgetting our resellers too. We are glad we became a source of inspiration to many sisters, be it students, working adults and the stay-at-home-mom’s who actually took the first step to come forward to us to enquire about starting up a small-home-based hijab business. You guys eventually became a source of inspiration to us too. ;)
A motivation that has kept us going is a beautiful verse from the Holy Qur'an and I would like to share it with you:
Islam menyukai bidang perniagaan. Ianya adalah sumber keuntungan yang diharuskan oleh syara'. Al-Qur'an sendiri menamakan menuntut atau mencari rezeki dengan jalan perniagaan itu sebagai mencari sebahagian daripada kurnia Allah. Firman Allah:

Tafsirnya: "Mereka mencari sebahagian kurnia Allah."

(Surah al-Muzzammil:20)
If you too are inspired to start up your own home-based business, you can start with a small start-up capital. You never know till you get started. From as low a capital of SGD$299, you can be on your way to building a home-based business. U may start with a few items, and you never know or can imagine what the business will grow into. Like us, we started with 8 hairband/ serkop colors, and today, we have more than 80 colorful hairbands/ serkop, and a full-fledge 'shopping room', that is known as a one-stop hijab destination. Write to us to enquire, or comments are most welcome.
Wassalaam and have a blessed week ahead of you.
With love,
sis zai

Thursday, 12 January 2012

We have a good news & a good news!!!

Dear friends and sisters, I would like to personally thank you for the many years of support. 

I am leaving for Singapore for a 1- year Arabic immersion program in Amman, Jordan. It is something I have been aspiring to do all my life, that is to live abroad, to study overseas and to travel by myself to do some inward & outward soul-searching insyaAllah. Do keep me in your prayers and am sure we will all still be connected in many ways, esp via Facebook. ;) - zai MiztiQ

We are extending our joy and have a double good news for you.

The first good news is we are wrapping up our business in 3 weeks time.
The 2nd good news: EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! 

This are some of the special offer and we have many many more.. Join our blog, or view our FB wall for daily promo updates.

To begin shopping, click on this link and browse through our Facebook album(s) for items you would like to purchase. Comment on photos for items you would like to get, we will send you availability and payment info. WALK-IN purchase are most welcome.Kindly call us at 9452 6532 before coming.


p.s. Btw sisters, I am leaving Singapore and not you!!! If you have an intention to start a small-home based business, do join us and be a reseller. Start up capital as little as $299 onwards and you can embark on your very own business journey. Do share this info with your friends, we never know who will need it. Write to us  for more enquiries.